Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Premier Week - well it's about freaking time!

YAYAYAAAAy! i am getting all psyched up about all the shows coming back!
abc looks like it's ready to kick some ass!
i can't wait to snuggle in bed with some ice cream over the season's premiere of Gray's anatomy - i have already watched the promos like a zillion times!
i can't wait to gossip about gabi's discovery in her wedding and what the other DH crew has been up to.
sadly we have to wait a few more months till Lost is out but it's ok i'll be busy with all those new shows. They are also exciting! private practice with the gorgeous red head and quite a few promising other options.
must get that anonymous browsing going so i can enjoy all the shows starting NEXT WEEK


sorry for the dorky post but i LOVE TV!

Monday, September 03, 2007

the world of spices

So on my newly adopted live-till-i-am-a-hundred lifestyle i have had to give up a few unhealthy habits and start up new ones. One of which is to substitute those deep fried chicken into grilled ones.
After about a week of putting soy sauce and chicken onto the stove i decided it was time to change. This was partly because i was embarrassed by Kent - he was coming to visit and if he'd seen my soy-chicken fiasco he would not give me a break. I chopped some tomatoes with it and Kent was happy, and so was I!
The next time i was waiting for the meat to cook i looked around and saw Nisrin's glorious collection of spices. I lined them up and smelled each and everyone of them. And trust me - with my un-recovered nose, that was hard. Initially i was inclined to put a bit of everything from sweet basil to Cinnamon on top and see what happens. Then i wised up and picked my two winners: Sweet Basil and Allspice. The third one was garlic powder, but again i imagined Kent's mortified eyes if i used garlic powder when i had fresh garlic right there in the kitchen. So i chopped off some garlic and put it all in there.

The result - GREAT! i have been eating this mix for 2 weeks now. I am going to get bored from it in a few days and decide to put new winners,, i am thinking curry and something else i don't know yet.

So i am finally giving up my "the only spice i eat is salt" attitude, and i am now a spice believer.

bring on the spices!!