Monday, June 27, 2005

AIESEC Egypt Office is a few days away from welcoming any visitors!

Today was my first day in the AIESEC Egypt office. The day started with my sandals being torn.
But that did not affect my amazing mood! if it's one thing that gets me thirlled is taking something that is crappy and turn it into something awesome!

So that is my quest!
So our office now has a bell :) and all the lights and switches are working! how AWESOME!!
Now the next quest is the Air Conditioning, but I am still in the process of seeing whether it is fixable or not. But frankly speaking the office is not as hot as i thought!
and it helps that i picked an excellent spot for my desk :)

The next big bulk is the cleaning, now that person who will clean has my utmost sympathy! but i know it ain't gona be me ha ha

I have only cleaned my desk and organized it - chose a the coolest chair that rocks sort of :)

Another great thing about today is that it's my first day of being healthy! 4 liters of water a day! and my lunch?! TUNA!! and some salad!
who could believe i could be that healthy!

well i will go put all my excitement into something productive - so ta ta for now!

Thursday, June 09, 2005


So here's a bunch of things that have been going through my mind:

I am unofficially a graduate ( still pending results)

driving in Egypt sucks ass

Southpark overload!

No 1 trainee for this year is Halima - my bet's on her being the new "queen of alex" after the original one left her throne.

moving to cairo sooo soon - excited? scared? i dunno

ashton kutcher is H O T

the next milestone in my life is ......... marriage!! ain't getting there anytime soon

I really hope i get to go to india this summer see Taj Mahal and ride an Elephant!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Information Overload!!

Taxes, debit, Marx, Bureaucracy, TB, medicine, rural areas, crime, juvenile delinquency, Marx, Population, 4 Ps, Jujitsu, NPV, Marx, communism, Social suicide, Anomie, Pasrsons, Spencer, division of labor, Marx Marx Marx!


after exaclty 2 weeks of CONSTANT examination, my mind is ready to explode! So much info in so little time!

I keep wishing those will be my last exams for some time now, but i have a gut feeling that i failed one class in one major.
And i try being postive about the other major despite of the fact that i blew that 4.0 right out of the window when i picked a fight with my Prof! ( he's a bastard)

But the only thing that puts a smile on my face is that come Thrusday i will be Tanning on the beach in my new tanning oil, with good music and maybe - if i still have my eyesight after all that cramming - that other Dan Brown book.

i have 5 hours till my next exam - and 10 hours till the one after, so blogging is not such a good idea at the moment.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Yes it has begun!!
Another summer of Salaamomania!
This time around things are much smoother!
My babies are so excited about the trainees so they have been with them 24/7 ever since they arrived.
And it helps that they are 3 hot girls!! hehe
All of my LC are guys so they are taking goooood care of the Salaam girls :)

I hope they get along well with Purvi..

And for now i am stuck studying for my injustice exams!