Monday, April 30, 2007

New Look

Ok, so my blog's been pink since December 2004.
It's about time i changed it.

I think this look suits the twenty-four year old me - elegant, but cool ;)

Uhm but don't get too excited, pink will be back after a well deserved break (and maybe with a different template if blogger would get on with it ba2a)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Birthday jitters

If you have been hanging out with me lately, you might have noticed how i am getting all psycho about turning 24 in a couple of weeks.

I hate my birthday, it's always a crappy day and i have the worst memories on it! and when i rule the world i will remove the date 29/4 from the calendar.. that's how much i dislike it!
As if i didn't need any more reason to hate my birthday this year i turn 24, TWENTY-FUCKING-FOUR! which makes me old! yes old! no one says a 24 year old kid, or 24 year old girl, it's 24 year old woman! WOMAN!

I remember in a wedding like 10 years ago they asked all the young people to go get their pictures taken. I saw my second cousin and her husband joining us, she must have been 24 or 25 at the time. I looked at her with surprise and told her very innocently "Sherine, they said young people - why are you here?" - i swear i was dead serious, not trying to be a bitch or anything, i like this cousin.
I also remember looking at the mid-twenties crowd and thinking "man their life must be so boring, they are old - they have no fun"

And now nature has taken its course - and i am part of the friggin crowd!!
I still need more FUN! and damn it i don't feel old! i might look old, but i am not! College was a blast, but the fun can't end
..and it won't!

SO! for my birthday i will do something different! I will live a lie, and pretend it's my sweet sixteen that i wasted smoking shisha in a dodgy café being third wheel to my friend and her boy.

So the plan? DREAMPARK! a day at the amusement park where we will laugh and giggle like teenagers, and scream and get wet like kids and hang out and have a good time.It is the year where i will finally get on that Top Spin and enjoy it and maybe i might even try the Rocket... maybe!

Bring on the roller coasters, car races the angry rivers and all that JAZZ!

28th of April 10 am meeting point at Tahrir Square!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Two Months

This is how long it's been since i have been to Alex. It's the longest time i have ever stayed away. My busy travel schedule followed by the move has made it impossible for me to go.
And the thing is, i am not going to be able to gofor another 2-3 weeks.

That's kinda crap coz i am missing out on so much......
