Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Apparently it's not just being "Middle Eastern" that would mean you are fucked wherever you go, from the west all the way to down under,
It's also being Muslim.

I had an interesting conversation at work, while the Internet was down - again, with a half-British, half-Swedish woman, married to an Egyptian.
She's Muslim, and lives here for a while so her kids would learn Arabic. She is veiled, so the inevitable question that I asked her, was how she gets treated in Sweden.
She told me she, and many of her Muslim but non-Arab women she knows, only get veiled in the Arab world, when they go to their countries - being it US, Sweden or wherever - they take it off.
The woman is as white as anyone could be, blue eyes, blonde eyebrows (a true sign of being a true blonde), the few hairs you do get to see are ash blonde, yet she's still not comfortable enough to walk with her veil.

So basically, you are veiled --> you're fucked, you look "Arab"--> You're in quite a pickle, you ARE Arab --> you're fucked!

Despite of all that, I still maintain that the Muslims/Arabs brought all of this on them, and it's like 90% their fault.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I love Internet!!

The Internet is an awesome Invention!!

I found my family tree online,, along with information and pictures of each generation.

It's quite impressive, I wish I had seen it before I went to turkey - apparently we have a Mosque there. I have one more reason to go to Turkey again!
Although the links to the grandchildren of the corrupt presidents of Egypt is not something I am particularly proud of.

My grandma was quite amused by this family tree.

Friday, December 09, 2005

poll - what do you think?!

I am contemplating changing the colors of my blog

you think?!

note that my favorite color on earth is Pink!
I cannot promise a free election, i am after all from the land of Mubarak - he has to rub off on me!

you know you work for Ercisson

when you make ur appointments in swedish time,
when the other person automatically shows up on time, eventhough you did not specify it's swedish time
hey you greet people with Hej!

and count your money in SEK

and you actually know what the hell SEK is!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I wanna job where,,

I spend April to September in Egypt,
And October to March in Australia,

I can't believe it's summer in Australia - lucky bastards
It was 29 degrees last week, but it's getting cold again :(
(yes 22 is COLD!)

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Merchant of Venice! wow!

Yesterday i went to see the Merchant of Venice, i assume it was a british production.
It was breathtaking!
Al Pacino's perfromance was simply divine! The story itsself, and the words, the verses everything was awesome. It's definetly one of Shakespeare's finest!
I have read some of his work but not this particular one, and i regret it now.

The best scene was the monologue that Al Pacino did, in the middle of the movie about how Jews breath the same air as christians, eat the same food - etc.
I had to fight to urge to stand up and cheer and applaud.

I am definetly going to go see the movie again,
I will put the book on my reading list, however the book will not have that big of an effect - since my imagination is now limited with the movie and i cannot picture it myself.

I urge everyone of you to go see it - it's fantastic!