So I saw
this page which had the 50 Best Protest Signs and I decided to waste some time and put the ones I thought were funny and then type what i thought in my head as I scrolled down.

and with color combinations that good, there's no wonder you would say that :P

Yes, I get you man, i really get you!

Ok, Kanye's annoying but really - Kudos for coming up with the best phrase of 2009!

Ehh, now seriously people - if you're gona bitch and moan about protesting, then just do it from facebook like all the lazy suckers do!

I agree Juice is very bad for you! The amout of sugar in there, seriously, no wonder shows like the Biggest Loser exist!

I actually really like this! Memorable, makes a point - me liky!

Ok, i'm trying to figure out what exactly that person is protesting? Is there like a company that issues secret codes to games and they ruin it for the rest of the players? Is that it? Sort of like a spoiler without any preceding spoiler alert?

You should be looking at the man in the middle with the stripped shirt with the sign saying "We have NO idea what we're talking about". You gotta admire his honesty, and the way he doesn't mind standing there to point this out. I'm guessing his Bingo playing group was cancelled that day?

Uhh, bring on the Beyonce! You really think an old white haired republican and/or conservative religious person is really up to date on the Billboard 100 Chart? Really dude?

I like this one too - it's like hello, are we still talking about this? Do I really need to protest this? me liky

Yes, he does suck - lamest Batman ever!!

Look at how he colored only the first letter of every word. He hates protesters so much he can't be bothered to complete his sign to protest protesters!

I don't get the fuss about Arrested Development, really! It wasn't that good!

I know!!! mr. with the pink sign! Although i'm sure it's not you, coz wearing red while sporting a pink sign? talk about fashion faux-pas!

Yes, those youth in asia - they're a real killer - lol
ahh i'm so easily amused :)
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