Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I dream of..................ABN AMRO?????

yes, i do!
Last week i had the most bizzare dream ever. Now we all know there's been a lot of talk about the take over of the bank ABN AMRO, it's all over the news, and we all know that ABN AMRO is a big partner with AIESEC... other than that i would never ever have anything to say about this bank, i have no further interest or further knowledge about this institution.

So i dreamt i was at a party somewhere, and the people from the Supervisory Group who conicidently were from ABN AMRO as well were there. I look at the ABN AMRO sign and realize that because of the take-over it has changes its name to AOO AMRO, which sounds stupid. So i go find the SG people and tell them that the new name sucks and that i will always call it ABN AMRO
then i leave and go to the party where i pass arthur (who works at ABN AMRO) by at the party and say hello and continue on with my way into the crowd.

now how the hell did that dream happen?!
i woke up thinking WTF?! and it's been a few nights and still WTF?


Nora said...

This is what happens when you try to stop dreaming about me.
Stop trying to fight it...

Tamer Zikry said...

Thats all coz Arthur is in town :)