Sunday, July 31, 2005

Presidents of Egypt!

Yesterday i looked at the newspaper! I know i said i won't do that anymore but i couldn't help it.
This week candidates from all over Egypt are putting themselves forward to run for the Presedential Elections.
At some point I managed to live a lie and assume there is a fair Election here - and i got really excited about seeing how they will campagin and how i can attend all their speeches and hear about their plans.
But living in La La Land hardly ever lasts - you can ask Bob Marley!

There are 9 candidates sofar! 7 from Parties - and 2 Independent.

Sofar the race is still starting!
Though i usually like to know the ending of a movie beforehand - in this drama, i wish the ending was at least unknown, and at most different.


Tamer Zikry said...

A few days ago and from Monoufiya, the results of the upcomming elections were announced by our current and elected President...Long Live The King..mean the President

Anonymous said...

Yep,long live the king! " MUBARAK ". A dictator, but a good one. An autocratic system, but the best suits Egypt. Unfair elections but raised the right person. TAHYA MASR.

Rangs Guide Book said...

Veery good info, Regards, bob marley quotes