Monday, July 11, 2005

Al Salaamu Aleikom

On my daily Metro/Subway/Underground/Tube ride which lasts a minimum of 40 minutes per day, today for the first time i thought - what if this was the last Metro ride i will have.

Images of people trapped in this sardine-like train, and explosions came into my mind, leaving me sadder than ever about what the world is coming to.

And for the first time I will say the following words while thinking about what they actually mean instead of repeating them automatically:

Al Salaamu Aleikom - may peace be with you


The Dode said...

That thought cross my mind as well when I took the train here in Chicago.

But then I realize, fuck it, que sera, sera.

Amit Desai said...

I somehow thought of the same when i had taken subways here in Stockholm immediately after hearing news of the London blasts.

On top of that, a few days back, I found a cheap cell phone lying on the subway behind a seat! I absolutely freaked out!
