So much has happened since the last time i posted.
I'd like to say the most significant would be the revolution or me buying a house. And well both are quite significant.
But the biggest thing was that I turned 30.
Turning 30 has brought about a new perspective on life, one that includes acceptance. It's stange how calmly i have started embracing my imperfections. I find myself thinking It's ok that i am not a size 10. It's ok that I am too scared to be a vocal political activist. It's ok that I have a stable secure job that is nothing like i ever thought or imagined i would be. It's ok that I am too focused on my own comfort to take a risk.
I keep saying it's for now. In 5 years i will have paid off my house and will have enough of a security net to get out there and paint the world in pink. But am i just digging myself further into a hole of routine and comfort? Am I destined to have been the one with 'so much potential' but that never really did that much with it except work a 9-5?
And then i wonder what's so wrong with a 9-5? I enjoy it, i do fun things from 5 onwards. What's so bad about being comfortable?
I guess 30ies aren't all about acceptance afterall.
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