Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Toying with some new year's resolutions

It's that time of year where you think of new resolutions and start prepping for the new year.
I don't even need to check on my resolutions from last year, i'm sure i failed them all, i fell so far off the waggon from my "healthy lifestyle" one i can't even see the waggon anymore!

Meh, new year comes old year goes.

So 2009 will be the year of silly resolutions..
I'm toying with:

1) wear make-up to work? seriosuly all the girls look so made up when they go to work here, maybe i should join that secret society

2) buy my first designer bag? Which designer? salvatore fergamos? Chloe? defo not guess or LV, c'est tres baladi :P

3) Joing the addicts and get a blackberry - that champain new one is just so sexy!

4) Learn swedish? for some reason i decided to stick it out in Ericsson for a few more years so maybe it's worth it?

5) Try a new hair color? red head maybe?

6) Own guitar hero like it's never been owned before?

Yalla you tell me what you think my new years resolution should be...

(If you're egyptian then BE POLITE, i get enough of "just shed those last few kilos" and "haven't you eaten enough already" from all my family OK!!!)

Fire away


Tom Gara said...

- forget the makeup

- if you buy louis vuitton it is over between us. tackiest bags ever.

- go for an iphone, forget blackberry...what are you some corporate slave?

- learning swedish is massively hot.

- every girl in the world claims to dye their hair red but they actually just add some tiny little streak of "chestnut" or "auburn" or some random half-red. I like you the way you are, but if you're going to go redhead, turn it up to 11.

- Dominate guitar hero. Teach it who the boss is. Become the ruling body.

Eric said...

See a live taping of Jerry Springer with Eric

Superluli said...

tom! i agree with you LV, is the tackest thing ever! which is why i would never, ever buy it.

Eric, that's a great one! but not very feasible this year - maybe next one?

kent said...

Wear a burqa through Bula2?

Superluli said...

Kent, i feel like i would be betraying you if i go without my husband from mansoura,
I will consider it though....
can you make it your new year's resolution to come with me?

kent said...

Haha..ah, yes. Good point.

The residents of Bula2 wouldn't take too kindly upon you walking around without a galabaya-clad white dude who claims he's from mansoura, wallahi.

Imagine the rumours...