Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ch..Ch..Changes? I think not....

Another year has come and gone. And things are still the same. I'm working at the same company. Living with the same people. Still a miserable size 16. Still single. Still in Egypt.
Basically it's all the same since i turned 22.
Is this what is means to be an adult?
Some things have changed though
i live in a nicer house now (minus ant farm in kitchen), my grandma's no longer here, my belly is a little less visible, and i have a savings account. (albeit a near-empty one)
Still, all signs of adulthood kicking in.

So, is this the year things change? Not really!
According to the plan, this year will pretty much be the same as the year before, and the one before, and the one before. It doesn't make sense to move jobs/countries/houses just yet.
It's not that it's bad, on the contrary, it's good, really good. It's just all the same, same, same, same.

So the question is, how do i get through yet another stepping-stone-year without blowing a fuse out of boredom?

P.S. I would like to point my fingers at the writers guild of america for causing 30% of my boredom this past year because of their strike. Only 16 episodes of grey's and DH in one season? talk about injustice....well it's not if it's compared to darfur or something - perpective people! perspective!

BTW; this rant is because i've just turned 25.


kent said...

Happy Birthday, ya 3asal.

Jennifer said...


You are one of the few people I think about all the time. I wonder where you are and what you are doing ... and when I think of Egypt I think about you.

I want you to know what. People come and go from each others lives all the time - so it feels the SAME as you said. But some leave a foot print which changes them forever.

You did that to me.

I miss you.
