Monday, October 24, 2005

15 hours of sleep later...

Our National Conference for 2005 is officially over!
Today there were no roll calls in the morning, just the school a block away singing the National Anthem.

I would have loved to post up the logo of NLDS 2005, but I fear being sued for plagiarism.

Now life gets more organized, and more work is done!
The next few months are going to be awesome!
I am looking forward to my company visits lined up - and my LC growing and kicking ass!

And I am looking forward to my long weekend at the beach - in 2 mere weeks!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I am on the IC Master Output :)

AIESEC 2010 session was one of the best and most inspiring sessions i have ever attended (thanks to mike from AI)
We had clay so i played around with it while i was deep in thought about all the life changing stories i just heard, and this is what i came up with!
I had it on my computer for ages, and just as i am reading the IC master output i found it there.

I know it's stupid, but i like it :D

Monday, October 17, 2005


On Friday we had an Iftar with work, I was planning to go, but due to an unfortunate event I needed to be in Alex for the weekend.
I don't know those people from work that well, anywayz - so i went home for a nice meal with my mommy :)

Apparently they had a raffle, and they drew my name out - and I won a DVD player!
Yaay first time for me to win anything!

Well tecnincally i won!

Because I was not there, they drew another name out - and that person got my DVD player!

Could I be more unlucky?!

My consolation is that the girl who got it, is the really nice secretary - who is superduper friendly and nice to me.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Are we free or are they just plain ignorant!

At work I have a lot of free time, so I have been checking many random blogs especially those for Egyptians.
I am yet to come across a pro-mubarak blog - but I guess people who have access to internet and would blog are the type of people with a better worldview and education - so they know better than to be pro-mubarak (I hope!)

The interesting thing is that so many anti-government blogs are out there, and no one controls them. There are news about people all around the world being arested for things they say on their blogs, but in Egypt? no one knows about it except the bloggers.

This makes me wonder - is it not controlled because the government does not know it exists? or because we are actually free to say what we want?

On a different note: If you want to get a Nobel Prize, be born in Egypt, just don't live there!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

How to make the world's worst pot of rice!

Following up on trent's post "Zen and the Art of Steaming Rice", and my latest cooking lesson, here is how to make the world's worst pot of rice:

Get rice out of bag - wash rice thoroughly (it's the worst one not the dirtiest one) until the water is clear and transparent
then put rice in pot
forget to put butter
put water - don't boil it, coz you just don't know that you should boil it before hand
water should cover up the rice by 1.5 to 2 centimeters - you have to get one thing right huh?!
remember butter and just add it in there
turn stove on
leave till the water is no longer there - I have no idea what happens to it
then put it on low temperature, and cover it and leave it for 10 minutes!

Result? The world's least edible rice!
now try that for ifar when you have been fasting for 12 hours, you will love it anywayz

keep in mind - Pizza hut's number is 19000

Sunday, October 09, 2005

What i want, but can't afford

I was arguing with my sister the other day, i think i am not a big spender - yes nisrin!! i'm NOT - and i could live happily with just a little more money. She thinks i will always want more.

So i am going to document what i want but can't afford now, and once i get all of them i will prove to her that i do not need anything else:

1) a laptop (with a working screen)
2) a small i-pod, or another creative mp3 but with 1 GB memory
3) 2500 L.E.
4) an external hard disk
5) a new 14'' TV
6) Channel 4

see that's not too much!
the amount i spend on that is how much bill gates spends on a breakfast out!

Friday, October 07, 2005

The palestinian Dilemma

So here in Egypt people march down the road, and protest against what is happening in Palestine, the go on a massive funeral for yasser Arafat and shed a considerable amount of tears when he dies.

You sit those people down for a cup of tea and a conversation and ask them what they think about yasser Arafat, and they start going on about how he's a thief and how he's to blame for most of the suffering that the Palestinian go through. They don't think very highly of him

Same goes to the Palestinian population. Egypt has Palestinians living here in Egypt, quite a lot I may say.
However Egypt has a wall between its boarders with Palestine, and if your mother is Egyptian and your father is Palestinian, getting the Egyptian passport is as easy as getting to mars.

Most young kids at Uni want to go and "fight" in Palestine and want to sacrifice their lives for it. But when a Palestinian is interested in their sister, they politely decline - the reasoning "he's Palestinian".
At university Palestinians have their own clubs and socialize very little with the rest of the Egyptians - and I have experienced that first hand in both a private and a public university.
Every person you talk to has a negative experience with a Palestinian.

I have often tried to understand why this big discrepancy - and the reply is usually the famous Arabic quote
"Me and my brother against my cousin,
Me and my cousin against the stranger"

As for what I think, well since i do not belive in this whole arab "unity" thing, so palestinians for me are just like guatemalans. If religion and language unite us, then they can divide us - and that is not right.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

ahhh Ramadan!

The hardest thing about Ramadan is not the fact that you cannot eat or drink during the day. That is a piece of cake!

The hardest thing is to stop swearing!

I woke up in the morning looked at my alarm clock and thought "A7a, it's 7 am" , then i remembered it's Ramadan, and you shouldn't swear, so i though "fuck luly, you shouldn't swear"
then i realized that i just swore again and thought "Oh Shit".

I decided to get up and go to the bathroom and STOP thinking!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Mastering Inefficiency

When you have to work for 8 hours with tasks that could be done in maximum 4 hours (on a good day) you need to learn how to be inefficient.

It is the higher "authority" that dictates these longer than necessary hours, and being a slave to the wage, you gotta do what big brother wants you to do.
So the first while, you finish your work in 4 hours, then spend the rest of the time bored to tears, bumming around or checking random blogs of people who you don't even know.
Then you learn to master inefficiency.
You can actually do the work in the 8 hours, by doing one zillion things at a time. So you are constantly working, but at the same time blogging, checking your email, chatting with colleagues etc.

Even though it's the same thing - but it gives you the fake feeling that you are at work 8 hours a day because you need to and not because big brother wants you to.